Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Editing the Log Messages XML File
The log messages XML file, 
, defines the severity, destination (SNMP
management station or Syslog server) and possible resolution for Unified CVP log messages.
This file also identifies an event type identifier and message text identifier for each event. The
text for these identifiers is stored in the resource properties file,
Each Unified CVP Call Server, VXML Server, and Reporting Server has a log messages XML
file and log message file. You can edit the 
 file on a particular Unified
CVP server to customize the severity, destination and possible resolution for each event that
the server generates. You can also edit the 
file to change the
text of the message that is generated when an event occurs on that server.
Use any plain-text editor (one that does not create any markup) or XML editor to edit the
 file. Use a resource file editor, if available, to edit the
 file. If a resource file editor is not available, use a text editor.
What it Means
Possible Values
Message Element
Identifies the event type described in the 
Identifies the message text described in the
Identifies the 
 of the event.
0 to 6
Set to true, to send this message, when logged, to an
SNMP manager, if one is configured.
True or false
Set to true to send this message, when logged, to a
Syslog server, if one is configured.
True or false
Set to true to identify this message, when logged, as
an SNMP raise event, which the SNMP management
True or false
station can use to initiate a task or automatically take
an action.
Set to false to identify this message as an SNMP clear
when sent to an SNMP management station. An
SNMP clear event usually corresponds to an SNMP
raise event, indicating that the problem causing the
raise has been corrected. An administrator on an
SNMP management station can correlate SNMP raise
events with SNMP clear events.
Unified CVP Event Severity Levels
The following table describes the available severity levels for Unified CVP events. You can set
the severity level for an event by editing the log messages XML file, CVPLogMessages.xml,
on the server that generates events. For instructions on editing this file, see 
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 7: - Configuring VXML Solution
Configuring a VXML Server