Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance X1050 Prospecto

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AsyncOS 9.6 for Cisco Email Security Appliances CLI 참조 가이드
     명령참조 예제
  SMTP 서비스 컨피그레이션
SMTP 서비스 컨피그레이션
이 섹션은 다음 CLI 명령으로 구성됩니다.
SMTP Call-Ahead 프로필을 추가, 수정, 제거합니다.
Commit: 이 명령은 'commit' 이 필요합니다.
클러스터 관리: 이 명령은 3가지 시스템 모드(클러스터, 그룹, 시스템) 모두에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
배치 명령: 이 명령은 배치 형식을 지원하지 않습니다.
다음 예에서는 전달 호스트에 대해 새 SMTP call-ahead 프로필을 생성할 수 있습니다.
> callaheadconfig
No SMTP Call-Ahead profiles are configured on the system.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new profile.
[]> new
Select the type of profile you want to create:
1. Delivery Host
2. Static Call-Ahead Servers
[1]> 1
Please enter a name for the profile:
[]> delhost01
Advanced Settings:
  MAIL FROM Address: <>
  Interface: Auto
  Timeout Value: 30
  Validation Failure Action: ACCEPT
  Temporary Failure Action: REJECT with same code
  Maximum number of connections: 5
  Maximum number of validation queries: 1000
  Cache size: 10000
  Cache TTL: 900
Do you want to change advanced settings? [N]> n