Cisco Cisco WebEx Social for Mobile Guía Del Desarrollador

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Creating Custom Applications for Cisco WebEx Social 3.1 for iPhone and iPad
  Guidelines for Custom Applications
The custom application name should not be included in the navigation header of the application. 
Cisco WebEx Social 3.1 for iPhone and iPad automatically retrieves the application metadata, which 
includes the application name, and displays the name (see 
). Including the application name 
in the navigation causes it to appear twice in the mobile client UI.
Figure 2
Custom Application Name
The application must use the same authentication mechanism as Cisco WebEx Social.
For text used in the application, use the same fonts as those used in Cisco WebEx Social 3.1 for 
iPhone and iPad.
Use JavaScript only for screen transitions and to obtain data from the Cisco WebEx Social server.
Do not use JavaScript objects that are larger than 4 MB.
For efficient UI rendering, avoid using many large images in a WebKit table view
Memory use for the website view should not exceed 4 MB.
Use Apple IOS native-like widgets.
Follow Apple Human interface guidelines when possible.
Do not use extended app offline storage using “cache manifest” in embedded web views.
Do not use pop-up alerts.
The application must support the navigation that is required by its functionality.
Do not duplicate the functionality that is in Cisco WebEx Social 3.1 for iPhone and iPad.
For example, Cisco WebEx Social 3.1 for iPhone and iPad includes logout functionality, so do not 
include this functionality in a custom application.
Use the following URL to capture exceptions in the device console log:
name—Name of the application
exception—Text of the exception
For example, this URL:
webexsociallog://dolog?level=INFO&appname=My PTO&detail=this is a sample log message
displays the following information device console log:
2013-01-16 17:17:59.039 WebExSocial[8911:c07] INFO [ My PTO ] - this is a sample log message
Application name comes from application metdata