Cisco Cisco WebEx Social for Mobile Guía Del Usuario

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Cisco WebEx Social Frequently Asked Questions, Release 3.3 and 3.3 SR1
A question is answered when one or more of the responses to the question is marked as an answer 
by a user who has edit permission for the post. When a question is marked as an answer, a special 
icon is displayed beside the title of the question
A special filter is also available to users that identifies the number of responses that have been 
marked as an answer. 
Can a reply to a question that has been marked as answered be changed back to unanswered?
A question can also be marked as unanswered if the post owner, or a user with edit permission, 
subsequently decides that the response given does not address the question. To mark a response as 
unanswered, find the response that you want to change and click the Unmark as an Answer link at 
the bottom of the reply. 
Can a post that is marked as a question be changed to a normal post and vice versa?
Yes. Anyone with edit permission can mark a post as a question at any time by editing the post, 
checking the Mark as a Question check box and adding appropriate tags. A post that is already 
marked as a question can be converted to a normal post by editing the post and unchecking the Mark 
as a Question check box. Note, that a question that has already been marked as answered cannot be 
converted to a normal post. 
This section is organized as follows:
What appears in Activities?
Items in Activities include:
The activities of people you are following
The activities of the members of your communities
Your own activities
They include:
Posts and updates
Uploaded documents, images or videos
Replies and entries to updates, wikis, community calendars and discussions
Notifications when my contacts start to follow someone else
When I am visiting the profile of someone else, what types of filters can I create in their Activities?
You can filter their activities by
The people they are connected to
The communities they are a member of
The tags used in their activities (these include all the tags in the system)