Cisco Cisco StadiumVision Mobile Streamer Notas de publicación

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Release Notes for Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0
  New and Changed Information in Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0
Event-Time Content Replacement should be used with care if you are using Proof of Play due to impact 
of Proof of Play reporting if changes are made while a script is running. The cost-benefit of replacing 
content versus PoP impact should be weighed. Once an updated event script has stopped running, the 
PoP will operate normally upon re-running of the script.
You should avoid making the following types of playlist updates when using PoP with Event-Time 
Content Replacement:
Adding items to the end of a playlist—The new item will show up in the PoP raw data, but not the 
detailed report.
Removing an item from a playlist—Synchronization of the PoP reporting will be mismatched. 
 shows the recommended method of performing event-time content replacement to minimize 
impact to PoP reporting.
Figure 4
Replacement of Existing Playlist Item 
Internationalization and Localization
Cisco StadiumVision Director Release 3.0 supports internationalization and localization for the Cisco 
DMP 4310G only and the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975G.
Internationalization (i18n)
Internationalization (known as i18n) support refers to the software infrastructure that is designed to 
accommodate multiple language translations (localization) without requiring additional engineering 
changes to that software.