Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C650 Notas de publicación

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Release Notes for Cisco IronPort AsyncOS 7.6.3 for Email
  Known Issues
Known Issues
 lists the known issues in this release of AsyncOS 7.6.3 for Email release.
Table 2
Known Issues for AsyncOS 7.6.3 for Email 
Defect ID
CSCzv54743 Network configuration lost while reverting back after an AsyncOS for Email 
You will lose the network configuration of your Email Security appliance if you are 
reverting back after an AsyncOS for Email upgrade. If you lose the network 
configuration, emails are not delivered until you reset the network configuration by 
physically accessing the Email Security appliance. This is observed when you upgrade 
AsyncOS for Email from version 7.5.2-203 to 7.6.3-019, and revert back to version 
CSCzv39735 Appliance Misses Incoming Connections When Handling Large Messages
The Email Security appliance may not pick up an incoming connection when it’s 
processing a very large message (e.g., greater than 30 MB).
CSCzv54420 CLI Session is Lost if You Configure the Hostname as SNMP Trap Target
If you enter the appliance’s hostname as a Trap Target when configuring SNMP, you 
will lose the CLI session to the appliance immediately after you enter the hostname and 
hit the Return key.
CSCzv41250 Message Tracking Returning Messages with a High Number of Recipients Results 
in Excessive Memory Usage
The Email Security appliance may run out of memory if you run a Message Tracking 
query in the Web UI that returns messages that have a large number of recipients.
CSCzv44674 Application Fault May Occur When RSA Enterprise Manager DLP is Enabled at 
Group or Cluster Level
Under rare conditions, configuring a clustered ESA to use RSA EM DLP at cluster or 
group level may lead to an application fault.
CSCzv18038 SNMP Trap Cannot Use a URL That Has a Tilde (~) After a Slash (/)
SNMP will not generate an SNMP trap if you use a URL with a tilde (~) after a slash 
for the destination. Workaround: Make sure that the URL ends with a slash (/), 
otherwise the URL will be interpreted as a file instead of a directory.
CSCzv50959 netstat > State of Network Interfaces CLI Command Shows Truncated IPv6 
If you use the netstat > State of Network Interfaces command in the CLI to view IPv6 
addresses, the CLI truncates the IPv6 addresses shown
CSCzv22849 Appliance Cannot Send Alerts to IPv6 Destinations
The Email Security appliance cannot send an alert to an IPv6 destination. It can only 
send an alert to an IPv4 destination.