Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S170 Guía Del Usuario

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AsyncOS 10.0 for Cisco Web Security Appliances User Guide
Chapter 17      Notify End-Users of Proxy Actions
  Editing Notification Page HTML Files Directly
Step 9
If the custom end-user notification pages option is currently enabled when you update the HTML files, 
 to refresh the custom end-user notification pages. 
If you do not do this, the new files do not take effect until the Web Proxy restarts.
Step 10
Commit your change. 
Step 11
Close the SSH client.
Using Variables in Notification HTML Files 
When editing notification HTML files, you can include conditional variables to create if-then statements 
to take different actions depending on the current state.
The table describes the different conditional variable formats. 
For example, the following text is some HTML code that uses %R as a conditional variable to check if 
re-authentication is offered, and uses %r as a regular variable to provide the re-authentication URL. 
Any variable included in 
conditional variable. However, the best variables to use in conditional statements are the ones that relate 
to the client request instead of the server response, and the variables that may or may not evaluate to 
TRUE instead of the variables that always evaluate to TRUE.
Variables for Customizing Notification HTML Files 
You can use variables in the notification HTML files to display specific information to the user. You can 
also turn each variable into a conditional variable to create if-then statements. For more information, see 
Conditional Variable Format
This conditional variable evaluates to TRUE if the output of variable 
%V is not empty.
Represents the following condition:
Use this with the %?V conditional variable.
Represents the following condition:
Use this with the %?V conditional variable.
<div align="left">
<form name="ReauthInput" action="%r" method="GET">
<input name="Reauth" type="button" OnClick="document.location='%r'"
id="Reauth" value="Login as different user...">