Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 8390

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 26      Using Transport & Network Layer Preprocessors 
  Normalizing Inline Traffic
Normalizing Inline Traffic
The inline normalization preprocessor normalizes traffic to minimize the chances of attackers evading 
detection in inline deployments. When you apply an intrusion policy as part of an access control policy 
and the inline normalization preprocessor is enabled, the system tests the following two conditions to 
ensure that you are using an inline deployment:
Drop when Inline
 is enabled
The policy is applied to a device using an inline set
The preprocessor normalizes specified traffic only when both conditions are met.
You can specify normalization of any combination of IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, ICMPv6, and TCP traffic. 
Most normalizations are on a per-packet basis and are conducted by the inline normalization 
preprocessor. However, the TCP stream preprocessor handles most state-related packet and stream 
normalizations, including TCP payload normalization, so you must ensure that the TCP stream 
preprocessor is enabled when you enable normalization of TCP traffic.
Inline normalization takes place immediately after decoding by the packet decoder and before 
processing by other preprocessors. Normalization proceeds from the inner to outer packet layers.
Note that the inline normalization preprocessor does not generate events; it prepares packets for use by 
other preprocessors and the rules engine in inline deployments. The preprocessor also helps ensure that 
the packets the system processes are the same as the packets received by the hosts on your network.
In an inline deployment, Cisco recommends you configure the inline normalization preprocessor, with 
the Normalize TCP and Normalize TCP Payload options enabled. In a passive deployment, Cisco 
recommends you configure adaptive profiles. For more information, see 
See the following sections for more information:
Understanding Protocol Normalization
Normalization of each protocol includes one or more base normalizations, which occur automatically 
when you enable normalization of the protocol. Some protocols also have optional normalizations.
 for information on configuring normalization of traffic 
for different protocols. The following sections list the base normalizations and any optional 
normalizations for each protocol type: