Macromedia colfusion mx 7 Manual

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Processing options
Type: Web crawling only
Disables checksum-based detection of duplicates when indexing websites. URL-based duplicate 
detection is still performed.
By default, a document checksum is computed based on the CRC-32 algorithm. The checksum 
combined with the document size is used to determine if the document is a duplicate.
See also 
Specifies that Verity Spider gathers document locations without indexing them. The document 
locations are stored in a bulk insert file (BIF), which is then submitted to the collection. This 
option is typically used in conjunction with a separate indexing process, such as 
collection servicers (
). The BIF will be processed by the next indexing process run for the 
collection, whether it is Verity Spider, mkvdk, or collection servicers (
Do not try to start Verity Spider and another process at the same time. You must allow Verity 
Spider time to generate enough work for the secondary indexing process. If you are using 
you can run it in persistent mode to ensure it will act upon work generated by Verity Spider.
Note: When you execute an indexing job for a collection and you use the 
 option, the 
persistent store for the collection is not updated. 
See also 
For more information on the mkvdk utility, see 
Specifies that Verity Spider gathers document locations without submitting them. The document 
locations are stored in a bulk insert file (BIF), which is not submitted to the collection. This 
option is typically used in conjunction with a separate indexing process, such as 
collection servicers (
). You can also use Verity Spider again with the 
option. With an indexing process other than Verity Spider, you must specify the name and path 
for the BIF, because the collection has no record of it.
-persist num_seconds
Enables the Verity Spider to run in persistent mode, checking for updates every num_seconds 
seconds until it is stopped.
While Verity Spider is running in persistent mode, there is no optimization. After Verity Spider is 
taken out of persistent mode, you need to perform optimization on the collection. For more 
information about using the mkvdk utility, see 
Note: Do not run more than one Verity Spider process in persistent mode. As the Verity Spider is a 
resource-intensive process, only run it in persistent mode with an interval of less than one day. For 
time intervals greater than twelve hours, use some form of scheduling. Some examples are cron jobs 
for UNIX, and the AT command for Windows server.