games-pc serf city Manual De Usuario

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Your First Serfdom –
Mission One
It is essential to build an “active” city.
To do this, you need all the buildings.
When you select the first mission,
notice that you do not have a large
beginning supply level, so be careful.
The first thing to do is to find a good
location for your castle; refer to the sec-
tion “The Castle” on page 7 earlier in
this manual. Try to expand your rural
property immediately. 
Place two to four guard huts near the
frontier. The construction of guard tow-
ers and garrisons requires more time
and slows down your expansion. Make
sure that you have enough construction
materials to avoid big problems build-
ing the necessary buildings. 
Place a lumberjack, sawmill, and quar-
ryman’s hut in appropriate locations.
After completing these three tasks, 
the game becomes more complex.
Depending on the layout of your land,
you can do certain things. As soon as
possible, send the geologists into the
mountains. Based on their findings,
construct mines in the appropriate loca-
tions. Construct a gold or iron foundry,
and a forge or a tool factory (based on
the underground riches found).
If you can rapidly fabricate weapons,
you gain an advantage during combat.
As soon as the geologists start prospect-
ing in the mountains, think about the
mine workers and their food. If there is
a lake in the area, build a fisherman’s
hut. The fish he catches can be stored
before the first mines are built. Meat
production and the fabrication of bread
take some time. When the castle’s
wheat reserves (for the pigs and the
windmill) run low, you need to wait for
a farmer to plant and harvest more
wheat. If no lake is in the area, build a
farm as quickly as possible. You can
choose between meat or bread,
depending on the situation. If the ene-
mies are still far away and you possess
a lot of land, choose the bread because
it is faster. Place windmills and bakers
close to the farms. 
Bread is the most efficient source of
food. If you don’t have enough space,
we recommend pig farming. You need
only one farmer to supply the pig farm-
ers with wheat. 
The Economy
The Economic System
It is essential to know the economic
aspects of each building type and 
how that building is tied into the “grand
scheme” of your serfdom. Here is 
a summary.
The food chain refers to the production
of fish, meat, and bread. The fisherman
catches fish for immediate consump-
tion. The farmer plants and harvests
wheat that is taken to the pig farmer
who feeds his pigs with it. The pigs
reproduce and can later be slaughtered
for meat. Or, the farmer’s wheat can be
ground by the miller in his windmill
and transformed into flour for the baker
to make bread. In either case, you cre-
ate food for your workers.
Merchandise refers to tools, weapons,
boats, gold, and construction materials
for buildings. The tools, weapons, and
boats are stored in the warehouses. The
gold is guarded in the castle, the gar-
risons, the guard towers, and the guard
huts. The tool maker needs wood and
iron. The wood comes from the sawmill
where the tree trunks furnished by the
lumberjack are cut. The iron is purified
in a foundry. The caster needs ore and
coal for the forge. These two materials
are extracted from the mines. To fabri-
cate weapons, the blacksmith needs
iron and coal. The ship maker needs
wood for his boats. For the construction
of your buildings, you need (in most
cases) wood and granite. The use of
iron, coal, and wood for the fabrication
of tools has already been discussed.
The granite is found either above
ground in rock formations, or below
ground in a granite mine. The unrefined
gold is extracted from the mines. The
gold is refined by a goldsmith from
unrefined gold. What follows gives you
a better understanding of the numerous
factors that affect the game.
The Economy