games-pc serf city Manual De Usuario

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Ship Maker: For large lakes use water
ways to quickly transport merchandise.
Make sure that the ship maker does not
use up all your wood to build a fleet of
boats. As soon as he has finished his
work, stop giving him wood.
Transporter: When you demolish a road,
you interrupt the transport of merchan-
dise passing in that direction. Try to
figure out a way to leave roads intact,
and do not destroy important connecting
roads. Merchandise has to wait for the
arrival of a new transporter before being
transported on a new road. Any modifi-
cation of your network affects the
transportation of merchandise. Construct
a well-organized network of roads right
from the start.
How do the serfs choose the road on
which to transport the merchandise? It
is a rather complicated procedure. It is
important to know where the merchan-
dise is needed. A mill can be very close
and contain a lot of wheat, even though
the stock of another mill that is further
away is dried up. Moreover, certain
merchandise is distributed according to
the menu parameters.
When a destination has been found for
the merchandise, the serfs take the
shorter route. The essential element is
the number of roads that the merchan-
dise has to pass by; a very long road
between two flags is faster than a
shorter voyage with an intermediate
flag. You have, therefore, a great
advantage, because you can influence
the choice of roads for transportation.
Here is an example: you have placed a
flag on each side of a warehouse and a
road to connect it to your network. All
merchandise that must travel through
the warehouse is already keeping the
crossroads very busy. The merchandise
transported from one flag to the other,
and in both directions, blocks traffic
even more. On the other hand, if you
create a new connection between the
two flags (even if it makes an apparent
detour around the warehouse), the
traffic no longer passes in front of the
warehouse, but by the new road that
allows you to avoid it. This principle
allows you to construct complex net-
works around important warehouses
or castles, which, in turn, allows you
to transport merchandise more rapidly.
Remember that any construction,
demolition, and transformation of roads
initially has negative effects on the
transportation of merchandise. It is only
when the serfs adapt to the new situa-
tion that the transportation of
merchandise proceeds normally. Your
workers often have to cross over enemy
land to cut down trees or harvest
wheat. In the mines, you can take
advantage of this situation and steal
underground riches from the enemy.
Hints and Tips 
on Professions
This section contains some hints and
tips for the various serf professions.
Butcher: The butcher works quickly
and, in spite of many deliveries from
the pig farmers, he generally does not
have any problems with his work.
Caster: Casting takes a little while and
the caster cannot cast the ore of several
mines fast enough without falling
behind. He can catch up as soon as the
deliveries slow down. Depending on
the size of his backlog, you need to
hold back on new construction.
Construction Worker: The land for
the construction of large buildings is
rare, and consequently, expensive. Do
not construct huts and small roads on
land where you could construct a
larger building.
Farmer: The farmer needs unoccupied
land in order to transform it into fields.
Roads are not considered unoccupied
land, so do not construct too many
roads around a farm. To allow the
farmer quick travel to his fields, avoid
building farms on steep terrain.
Fisherman: A lake that is as big as 
the game screen contains enough fish
for three or four fishermen. Spread 
the fishermen out on the lake; if they
all fish in the same spot, they will not
catch anything.
Geologist: When the geologists return
home after their prospecting, they stay
in the warehouses with nothing to do.
From time to time, send them back into
the mountains to look for new under-
ground riches. You may discover a new
vein of gold that you had missed before.
Lumberjack and Forest Ranger: These
two complement each other perfectly.
The forest ranger can replace the trees
cut down by the passing of the lumber-
jack. Wood is the raw material with 
the highest demand, so use several
lumberjacks and forest rangers. The
forest rangers cannot plant trees on 
the roads. Do not place them in the
general vicinity of the castle or near the
warehouses. Place trees on land that is
not perfectly flat and that cannot be
used for other things.
Miller and Baker: One miller and one
baker are enough for several farms. Be
sure that the roads used for transporting
their merchandise are not too long.
Miner: If he can no longer find any-
thing, burn the mine down so he finds a
new profession. In the mountains, con-
struct a network of roads with
numerous branches to facilitate the
transport of raw materials to the valley. 
Sawmill Worker: One sawmill is suffi-
cient for several lumberjacks; as the
game progresses you may have to con-
struct more.