games-pc serf city Manual De Usuario

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During the game, you can sometimes
find yourself in a “no-win” situation.
For example, if you have lumberjacks
but no more wood, the construction of
a new hut can pose a serious problem.
All is not yet lost, however, because
you can always send your knights into
combat. If you do not have any stocks
at the beginning of the game, you may
end up quickly lacking materials. If you
do not watch your production closely,
you may find that you lack one unit of
wood for the sawmill too late . . . and
have to restart at zero.
To avoid this, an “emergency program”
is started at the beginning of the game.
This program is, in fact, a reserve of
two units of granite and seven units of
wood that allow you to construct a
lumberjack’s hut, sawmill, and quarry-
man’s hut.
If you need materials, these construc-
tion sites receive them as a priority,
because these three buildings are nec-
essary to continue the game. If all the
hammers have been distributed to the
construction workers and to the geolo-
gists, you will not have any hammers
left for a new tool maker. The tool
maker is the only person who could
make more! It is for this reason that at
the beginning of the game, certain serfs
take the necessary tools.
The End of the Game
The game finishes when there is only
one city remaining in the game’s world.
You can quit a game by left-clicking on
the white, surrender flag in the attack
menu. If the computer-controlled adver-
sary pleads for you to quit, you can still
decide whether or not to continue the
game. There may be instances when
several cities remain in the game. In this
case, the game is a draw. This situation
can happen when no city has enough
knights and all the deposits of ore and
coal are dried up, prohibiting the fabri-
cation of weapons. In this case, there is
no winner.
Early in the game, you will not have too
many problems. Everything has been
foreseen. But, later on, you become the
sole person responsible for your suc-
cesses and mistakes. Now that you
know everything about the program,
your knowledge should be sufficient to
confront the computer or challenge
another player! Enjoy.
Lady Amalie
Amalie is an inoffensive,
reserved lady, who goes
about her work peacefully.
Kumpy Onefinger
Kumpy is a very hostile 
character who loves gold
above all else.
Balduin, a former monk
Balduin is a very discrete
character who worries chiefly
about protecting his lands
and his important buildings.
His unpredictable behavior
may take you by surprise.
Frollin “pilfers” away lands
that are not occupied.
Kallina is a fighter who blocks
her enemy’s food supply with
clever tactics.
Rasparuk the Druid
Rasparuk’s tactics consist of
amassing large stocks of raw
materials. He is a sly aggressor.
Count Aldaba
Protect your warehouses well,
because Aldaba is aggressive
and knows exactly where he
must attack.
King Ralph VII
Ralph is a prudent ruler, 
without any particular 
weakness. He tries to check
his adversaries’ supply of 
construction materials.
Homen Doublehorn
Homen is the most aggressive
enemy. Watch your buildings
carefully, or he may take you
by surprise.
Sollok the Joker
Sollok is coy and treacherous;
he tries to stop the supply of
raw materials to his enemies
from the beginning.
The Behavior of Your Opponents
All adversaries have different personalities and playing strategies. Here is a brief pre-
sentation of the principal character types: