Panasonic P20P/2BC Manual De Usuario

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(7) estimated capacity over lifetime of the batteries. internal panasonic testing 2010  (iec)
960 aMPère 
PoWer oVer BatterY LiFe
1200 aMPère 
PoWer oVer BatterY LiFe
2500 aMPère 
PoWer oVer BatterY LiFe
50% of battery shoppers put batteries on their shopping list 
need to focus on the main shelf
50% of the battery shoppers buy on impulse 
Maximum confrontation with batteries through secondary locations
Battery category is not always clear for shoppers 
shelf should be organised to meet shopper expectations
appliance-based approach can help them make the right choice
Around 70% of shoppers have positive attitude to Rechargeable batteries,  
but 30% find it difficult to choose the right Rechargeable batteries and chargers 
need to simplify the rechargeable offer
Shoppers by batteries in different channels 
important to adapt approach to each channel
(8) pece consumer/shopper researches 2009-2010.
sHoPPer insiGHts
Panasonic recHarGeaBLe Batteries  
EVOLTA, tHe FLaGsHiP BranD DriVinG tHe FULL ranGe  
For BotH aLKaLine anD recHarGeaBLe
your power partner
panasonic Batteries in europe
Ranking according to Eco Ideas
Umbrella communication for both 
eVoLta products
Perfect match consumer - customer - appliance - battery trends
DePenDaBLe PerForMance 
coMMonLY UseD aPPLiances
PreMiUM PerForMance 
PersonaL aPPLiances
eXcePtionaL PerForMance 
aLL aPPLiances
Up to 2600 mah
High Capacity:
High mah for professional use
Up to 1100 mah
Stay charged: 
ready to use & capacity stays up  
to 85% even after 1 year
Up to 2050 mah
Stay charged & High Capacity:
ready to use & the  highest lifetime capacity  
(mah x cycle life) 
Per Price/QUaLitY seGMent
Consumer understanding
Expert in category management
Top class supply chain management
100% Sales & Marketing organization covering total Europe
Panasonic enerGY eUroPe, YoUr ProFessionaL BatterY Partner
your power partner
panasonic Batteries in europe