Furuno 711c Manual De Usuario

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4. Rotate the Course control knob to set value then push the knob (setting range: 
0° to 10°).
5. Set [Weather-Moderate], [Weather-Rough] similarly. 
6. Set [Rudder Gain] and [Counter Rud.] similarly.
Setting range: 1-20 for [Rudder Gain], and 0-20 for [Counter Rud.]
7. Press the 
 key four times to close the menu.
Guidelines for how to set [Sea State]
[Weather]: When the sea is rough, the boat's heading fluctuates to port and starboard. 
If the rudder is driven very often to maintain the set course, the helm mechanism may 
wear out. To prevent this, the weather adjustment makes the NAVpilot insensitive to 
minute course deviations. You may choose a degree between 1° to 10°. Until the 
course deviation exceeds the selected setting, steering to correct the heading will not 
be initiated.
The illustration at the top of the next page shows boat's track lines with weather setting 
3° and 7°. When 7° is set, for example, the rudder is not driven until the course devi-
ation exceeds 7°. Increasing the setting reduces activation of the steering gear, how-
ever the boat tends to zigzag. When the sea is calm, set a smaller value.
[Rudder Gain]: When the boat's heading deviates from the set course, the NAVpilot 
adjusts the rudder to correct it. The rudder angle (number of degrees) which is steered 
against every degree of course deviation is known as the rudder gain.
Set the rudder gain so that the boat does not make frequent yaw. The figure shown 
below provides general guidelines for setting the rudder gain.
[Counter Rudder]: If the boat is heavily loaded, the heading could change excessively 
because of inertia. This phenomenon causes the vessel to "overshoot" the intended 
course. If this happens, the NAVpilot will steer the rudder to the opposite side and the 
heading will turn in the opposite direction excessively again. In an extreme case the 
heading oscillates several times until it finally settles in the new course. An adjustment 
known as "counter rudder" prevents this kind of oscillation.
[Weather] = 3
[Weather] = 7
Sea State
Load Condition
[Rudder Gain]