Avaya 2060 Manual De Usuario

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Page 10 - Making Calls 
Making Calls from the INDeX Directory 
Making Calls from the INDeX Directory 
Using the INDeX Directory, your phone can display a selected entry from an index of 
either extensions or speed dial names plus their numbers. There are two methods of 
selecting entries of names and numbers from the INDeX Directory: 
•  By Alpha Group 
•  By Dial by Name 
In addition, the INDeX Directory entries can be sorted either by 1
 name or by last 
name. The particular method used and 1
 or last name search is selected by your 
System Manager. Consult your System Manager for which method is available to 
you and if the sorting is by 1
 or last name. 
To make a call using an Alpha Group search of the INDeX: 
1. Press  INDeX for an internal call or SPEED DIAL and then  INDeX for an 
external number. 
2.  Press the key matching the 1
 letter of the name you want. 
For example, to display the L Alpha Group, press the JKL key 3 times. The 
INDeX System displays the 1
 name beginning with L from it's Directory entries. 
•  To move through the names beginning with L, press the  -keys on the right 
and left of the current name. 
•  To skip forward 10 names, press  SKIP
•  To select another letter, press a letter key. 
3.  To dial the name/number shown, press  CALL, otherwise to exit the INDeX 
Directory, press ANSWER/RELEASE
To make a call using Dial by Name search of the INDeX: 
1. Press  INDeX for an internal call or SPEED DIAL and then  INDeX for an 
external number. 
2.  Press the key matching the 1st letter of the Name you want. 
For example, to find the name SMITH press the PQRS key. 
3.  The INDeX System begins searching it's Directory on the first press and will 
display the 1
 name/number immediately, in this example a name beginning with 
P. You can either: 
•  Continue dialling the letters of the name, e.g. MNO, then GHI, etc. until the 
required name (SMITH) is displayed OR
•  Press CYCLE to move onto the next alpha group of the PQRS key, e.g. a 
name beginning with Q. To move through the names beginning with Q
press the  -keys on the right and left of the current name. 
•  To select the next letter of the alpha group of the PQRS key, press CYCLE 
•  If NO MATCH is displayed, press PREVIOUS to go back one step or press 
ANSWER/RELEASE to cancel. 
4.  To dial the name/number shown, press  CALL, otherwise to exit the INDeX 
Directory, press ANSWER/RELEASE
Page 10 - Making Calls 
INDeX 10.0 2030/50/60 User's Guide 
Making Calls from the INDeX Directory 
38DHB0002UKFN Issue 2 (07/2002)