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Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5000 Series Datasheet
Boxed Processor Specifications
1U Passive/2U Active Combination Heat Sink Solution (1U Rack 
In the 1U configuration it is assumed that a chassis duct will be implemented to provide 
sufficient airflow to pass through the heat sink fins. Currently the actual airflow target 
is within the range of 15-27 CFM. The duct should be designed as precisely as possible 
and should not allow any air to bypass the heat sink (0” bypass) and a back pressure of 
0.38 in. H
O. It is assumed that a 40°C T
 is met. This requires a superior chassis 
design to limit the T
 at or below 5°C with an external ambient temperature of 35°C. 
Following these guidelines will allow the designer to meet Thermal Profile B and 
conform to the thermal requirements of the processor.
1U Passive/2U Active Combination Heat Sink Solution (Pedestal 
The active configuration of the combination solution is designed to help pedestal 
chassis users to meet the thermal processor requirements without the use of chassis 
ducting. It may be still be necessary to implement some form of chassis air guide or air 
duct to meet the T
 temperature of 40°C depending on the pedestal chassis layout. 
Also, while the active thermal solution is designed to mechanically fit into a 2U 
volumetric, it may require additional space at the top of the thermal solution to allow 
sufficient airflow into the heat sink fan. Therefore, additional design criteria may need 
to be considered if this thermal solution is used in a 2U rack mount chassis, or in a 
chassis that has drive bay obstructions above the inlet to the fan heat sink. Use of the 
active configuration in rackmount chassis is not recommended.
It is recommended that the ambient air temperature outside of the chassis be kept at 
or below 35°C. The air passing directly over the processor thermal solution should not 
be preheated by other system components. Meeting the processor’s temperature 
specification is the responsibility of the system integrator.
2U Passive Heat Sink Solution (2U+ Rack or Pedestal)
A chassis duct is required for the 2U passive heat sink. In this configuration the thermal 
profile (see 
) should be followed by supplying 27 CFM of airflow through the 
fins of the heat sink with a 0” or no duct bypass and a back pressure of 0.182 in. H
The T
 temperature of 40°C should be met. This may require the use of superior 
design techniques to keep T
 at or below 5°C based on an ambient external 
temperature of 35°C.
Boxed Processor Contents
A direct chassis attach method must be used to avoid problems related to shock and 
vibration, due to the weight of the thermal solution required to cool the processor. The 
board must not bend beyond specification in order to avoid damage. The boxed 
processor contains the components necessary to solve both issues. The boxed 
processor will include the following items:
• Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor 5000 series 
• Unattached Heat Sink Solution
• 4 screws, 4 springs, and 4 heat sink standoffs (all captive to the heat sink)
• Thermal Interface Material (pre-applied on heat sink)
• Installation Manual
• Intel  Branding  Logo