Emerson LTM-300 Mode D’Emploi

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The next screen gives the user 
a choice to set the 4mA or 20mA 
values or to Exit the procedure.  
Here the user will select the 4mA 
menu position.
The HART Communicator requests 
the user to set the Level (or 
Interface) to the position that is 
to provide the 4mA loop current 
output.  When that has been done, 
the user must press OK to continue 
with the procedure
The HART Communicator then 
requests a measurement reading 
from the transmitter indicating 
the digital value at this range 
position.  The user then has the 
option of setting this value as 
the lower range value, getting an 
update of the digital reading from 
the transmitter or leaving the 4mA 
range point as it was.
If the user accepts the 
measurement value as the 
4mA loop current point, the 
HART Communicator issues the 
command changing the LRV 
and when the transmitter replies, 
returns to the Set screen.
If the user desires to change the 
20mA measurement value, he 
selects the 20mA menu option and 
must press ENTER to continue the 
The HART Communicator requests 
the user to set the Level (or 
Interface) to the position that is 
to provide the 20mA loop current 
output.  When that has been done, 
the user must press OK to continue 
with the procedure.
The HART Communicator then 
requests a measurement reading 
from the transmitter indicating the 
digital value at this range position.  
The user then has the option of 
setting this value as the upper 
range value, getting an update 
of the digital reading from the 
transmitter or leaving the 20mA 
range point as it was.
If the user accepts the 
measurement value as the 
20mA loop current point, the 
HART Communicator issues the 
command changing the URV 
and when the transmitter replies, 
returns to the Set screen
When the user desires to leave the 
Apply values procedure, he must 
select the Exit menu entry.
The user is then notified that 
the loop may now be returned 
to automatic control.  After the 
user presses OK the HART 
Communicator returns to the 
Rerange screen.
Detailed Setup Selections
In the Overview section, it was 
shown that if the user selects the 
Detailed setup menu from the 
Device setup screen, the following 
screen presents the following 
selection of menus to the user.
If the user selects Sensors from the 
Detailed setup screen, he may edit 
the Unit code for Level/Interface or 
edit the units code for Temperature.  
The third option is a menu Sensor 
Trim that gives the user additional 
If the user selects Sensor Trim 
from the Sensors menu, calibration 
procedure options are presented.  If 
the transmitter is not configured for 
Temperature, the Zero Temper Trim 
and Full Temper Trim options will 
not be presented.  The description 
of these procedures is given in the 
previous section on Calibration.
If the user selects Signal Condition 
from the Detailed setup screen, he 
is presented with three additional 
selections.  The Keypad rerange 
and Apply values procedures are 
presented in the Rerange section.  
The third option allows the user to 
modify the Level/Interface damping 