Avaya 3910 Notice D’Utilisation Abrégée

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Mic (Microphone) Button.  [MLS-34D , MLS-18D, MLS-12D, and MLS-12 only] Press 
turn your microphone on and off. When the green light next to 
is on, the microphone is on.
To answer calls without lifting the handset, leave the microphone
on (see “HFAI” below). On a
speakerphone call, press 
to mute your voice.
HFAI (Hands-Free Answer on Intercom).  For more convenient speakerphone operation, leave
the microphone on all the time (press 
 if the light next to the button is off). When you receive
a voice-signaled call (you hear a beep), the person calling can talk to you over your phone’s
speaker; simply begin speaking to have a hands-free, two-way conversation.
Feature Button.  Press to program (page 5) or to use dial-code features (pages 6 and 7).
Conf (Conference) Button.  Press to conference (add) other parties to your call (page 10).
Transfer Button.  Press to transfer a call to another extension (page 9).
Hold Button.  Press to put a call on hold for later pickup (page 11).
1  Display
and MLS-12D
only] When dialing, shows the
number dialed, duration of call, and feature messages. When receiving an
intercom call, shows the number (and name if programmed) of the extension
calling. When in programming mode, displays programming messages.
When not using the phone, displays today's date and time or Caller ID
information (if available–on PARTNER II systems only). (You can adjust the
display contrast on the MLS-18D; see “Volume Control Buttons” on page 2.)
2  Line/ Programmable Buttons
A line can be assigned on any button with status lights.
(The MLS-34D and MLS-18D have status lights for all of these buttons; the
MLS-12D and MLS-12
 are identical to the MLS-18D, except that they
do not have lights for the 6 buttons shown above the white line on the left.)
When an outside line is assigned, press the button to make and receive
calls. You may have to enter an account code to get an outside line (see
page 6). When no line is assigned to a button, you can program the button
with one-touch dialing features (no status lights are required for most
features). Dial-code features are listed on pages 6 and 7; programming
instructions are on page 5. Once programmed, press the button to dial the
number or use the feature.
 phone has 4 line/programmable buttons. When 4 lines
are assigned, it has no programmable buttons; with 2 lines assigned, it has
2 programmable buttons.
3  Speakerphone Operation
[MLS-34D, MLS-18D, MLS-12D, and MLS-12]
to dial and speak on your phone without lifting the handset.
When you press 
, both the speaker and the microphone come on
(indicated by the lights next to the 
 buttons). When the party
on the other end answers, you can speak without lifting the handset. (On the
MLS-6, press to dial without lifting the handset; when the party you are
calling answers,  lift the handset to speak.)
4/1/96, 2:21 PM