Cisco Cisco Clean Access 3.5

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Cisco Clean Access Manager Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 4      Switch Management and Cisco Clean Access Out-of-Band (OOB)
Configure OOB Switch Management in the CAM
Discovered Clients 
 shows the Switch Management > Devices > Discovered Clients page. The Discovered 
Clients page lists all clients discovered by the Clean Access Manager via SNMP mac-notification and 
linkup/linkdown traps. The page records the activities of out-of-band clients (regardless of VLAN), 
based on the SNMP trap information that the Clean Access Manager receives. 
When a client connects to a port on the Auth VLAN, a trap is sent and the Clean Access Manager creates 
an entry on the Discovered Clients page. The Clean Access Manager adds a client’s MAC address, 
originating switch IP address, and switch port number to the out-of-band Discovered Clients list. 
Thereafter, the CAM updates the entry as it receives new SNMP trap information for the client. 
Removing an entry from the Discovered Clients list clears this status information for the out-of-band 
client from the CAM. 
An entry must exist in the Discovered Clients list in order for the CAM to determine the switch port for 
which to change the VLAN. If the user is logging in at the same time that an entry in the Discovered 
Clients list is deleted, the CAM will not be able to detect the switch port.
Figure 4-22
Discovered Clients
Elements of the page are as follows:
Show clients connected to switch with IP—Leave the default of ALL switches displayed, or 
choose a specific switch from the dropdown menu. The menu will be populated with all managed 
switches in the system. 
Show client with MAC—Type a specific MAC address and press Enter to display a particular client. 
Clients/Page—Leave the default of 25 entries displayed per page, or choose from the dropdown 
menu to displays 50, 100, 200, or ALL entries on the page. 
Delete All Clients—This button removes all clients on the list. 
Delete Selected—This button only removes the clients selected in the check column to the far right 
of the page. 
Note that you can click any of the following column headings to sort results by that column:
MAC—MAC address of discovered client