Cisco Cisco WebEx Meeting Center WBS31 Guide D’Information

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CureSeq finds its online meeting cure
For CureSeq, any miscommunication with customers can have 
significant consequences. The Brisbane, California-based 
company provides solutions that help identify cancer and other 
disease-causing mutations. CureSeq is committed to a three-day 
turnaround on test results for doctors so they can treat patients as 
quickly as possible.
With clients and prospects around the world, CureSeq relies 
heavily on online meetings. In its sales efforts, the company 
meets with C-level hospital executives to inform them of the 
services CureSeq offers and how those services can benefit the 
hospital’s oncologists.
But the company can’t afford to use meeting tools that 
compromise its trustworthiness and professionalism. 
CureSeq needed a trustworthy  
online meeting platform
The company tried several online meeting tools and experienced 
audio glitches, making it difficult to understand their international 
clients and prospects in meetings, says Vikki Friedman, CureSeq 
Global Vice President of Sales and Marketing. 
“When we first started, one of the online meetings was awful,” 
Friedman recalls. “We had attendees from Korea, Italy, China, and 
two people from the U.S. on the phone. It was such a comedy of 
errors in terms of trying to decipher what each person was saying. 
We ultimately had to just table the meeting and communicate 
through email because it was so broken and garbled.”
Plus, hiccups in the slide presentations threatened CureSeq’s 
image as a professional, trustworthy organization.
That’s when Friedman decided it was time for a change, telling her 
team that the online meeting tool they were using was not effective. 
“I said, ‘It doesn’t demonstrate that we’re really in a powerful place of 
business by conducting meetings with this platform.’”  
As a small company trying to reach a large, far-flung audience, 
CureSeq can’t be successful without an online meeting platform that 
is stable and dependable, and allows for highly interactive meetings.
Ensure a stable, 
reliable platform 
to conduct online 
meetings with 
customers and 
conferencing for 
attendees located 
around the globe.
Maximize the 
reach of the 
company’s limited 
staff and budget.