Cisco Cisco WebEx Meeting Center WBS31 Guide D’Information

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CureSeq finds its online meeting cure
CureSeq also uses WebEx for internal meetings. In some cases, a 
small group of three to five team members will use only the audio 
portion of WebEx. Other times, the meeting space is critical to 
share information. CureSeq team members may be presenting 
research findings or results of tests they’re working on. In these 
cases, they can share an application or their desktops. It allows the 
team to have highly interactive meetings that are more engaging 
than a one-way presentation.
Friedman notes the flexibility and the tools available with the 
WebEx mobile app. She relates how she joined a meeting 
from her iPad: “I went to the calendar invite. It automatically 
opened the mobile app and asked if I wanted to call from my 
iPad.” Participating from her tablet gave her the ability to access 
other devices while she was listening to the meeting. When key 
material was presented, she was able to take a snapshot of the 
slide being shown by holding down the home and power buttons 
simultaneously. The snapshots were then available in her photo 
library. She could also make notes about the slide, something that 
would not have been possible if she had been using her computer.
Online meetings help CureSeq  
grow its business strategically
As a start-up with fewer than 25 employees, CureSeq is always 
looking for ways to boost competitiveness. 
When the company was launching its services, WebEx gave it the 
ability to reach numerous sites within a short timeframe. Using 
online meetings, CureSeq’s team was able to gauge interest at 
various hospitals across a wide geography. From this information, 
it was able to determine strategically which face-to-face visits 
would be most productive and consolidate travel to have maximum 
impact with minimal cost and travel time.
As Friedman notes, “We were able to view the landscape and 
identify the leads with the most potential—and we didn’t waste time 
on not-so-good leads.”