Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads Guide De Montage

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Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Installation Guide
Chapter 2      Installing Customer Voice Portal Software
Troubleshooting CVP Install / Upgrade / Uninstall
Troubleshooting CVP Install / Upgrade / Uninstall
 describes how to resolve problems you may encounter while:
Installing CVP software and performing the initial configuration.
Upgrading CVP software.
Uninstalling CVP software.
Table 2-2
Possible Cause and Solution
When installing or 
uninstalling the CVP 
Application Server software, 
an SNMP.exe application 
error message appears.
Possible Cause:
The SNMP service is being used by a third-party program (such as the 
HP Net Server Agents program) or a previously-installed version of the 
CVP Application Server. 
A step in the CVP installation and uninstallation process is to stop the 
SNMP service; if the service is in use, an error is generated.
Possible Solution:
Click OK in the error message pop-up to stop the SNMP service in order 
to successfully install or uninstall the Application Server. Upon reboot, 
SNMP will start up automatically. 
This action causes a temporary SNMP service interruption.
During CVP installation, the 
following error message 
appears: “The InstallShield 
Engine(iKernel.exe) could 
not be installed. Ikernel.exe 
could not be copied to 
C:\Program Files\Common 
\Intel 32.” 
Possible Cause:
Multiple instances of the Install Program are being run. 
InstallShield (the install program for the CVP) allows only one 
ikernel.exe to be running at a time. 
Possible Solution:
Stop all install programs and run the CVP installation program.