Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(2)XB6

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Release Notes for the Cisco PDSN 4.1 Feature in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)XR7
Migration to Cisco PDSN
Migration Steps
Migration to the Cisco PDSN Release 4.1 image is more than replacing Multi-processor WAN 
Application Module (MWAM) cards with SAMI modules. Ensure that you plan your migration such that 
migration activities have a minimal impact on an existing mobile subscriber’s service connections. 
 lists the migration tasks that are based on the scenarios established in the previous section.
Table 4
Migration Steps from Cisco PDSN 3.x to 4.1
Migration Steps
1, 2
Install and configure Cisco PDSN on 7600/SUP720 (SRC based) with the SAMI.
Provision Mobile Station (MS) and Packet Control Functions (PCF) to use the newly added SAMI-based 
Cisco PDSN (this provisioning may take an extended period of time to complete).
Provision newly added Cisco PDSN with that of HA to service mobile IP calls. Also, modify the security 
association between Cisco PDSN and PCFs, and Cisco PDSN and the HA, accordingly.
To minimize provisioning tasks (assuming that the migration is done in a maintenance window and that 
service will be disrupted) , the SAMI Cisco PDSN instances can reuse the 7200 NPE-G1-based Cisco PDSN 
IP addresses and routing schemes. 
Install and configure the Cisco PDSN on 7600/SUP720 (SRC based) with the SAMI, and locate them in the 
same HSRP redundancy group as configured on the Cisco 7200-based Cisco PDSN (Release 3.0). At this 
stage, the Cisco 7200-based Cisco PDSN will act as the active Cisco PDSN and the SAMI-based Cisco PDSN 
will assume the role of standby.
Ensure in the newly introduced SAMI-based Cisco PDSN, that Release 3.5 or Release 4.0 features are not 
enabled. Also, ensure that the features enabled on the SAMI Cisco PDSN match the features already enabled 
on the 7200-based Cisco PDSN. However, the IPsec feature enabled on the 7200 Cisco PDSN must be 
disabled on a SAMI-based Cisco PDSN. Instead, the IPsec configuration will be moved to the 7600 
Supervisor configuration, and the IPsec tunnel will be established between the chassis. After the packet is 
taken out of the IPsec tunnel in the Supervisor, the packet is sent to Cisco PDSN instances through the 
Configure higher priority and Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) preemption (with delay) on the 
SAMI-based Cisco PDSN. 
The SAMI Cisco PDSN takes over the active role.
Bring down Cisco 7200s and introduce another SAMI card (SAMI card 2) in the same chassis to configure 
redundancy. Enable the SAMI card 2 to take over the role of standby Cisco PDSN.
Customers usually prefer to reconfigure their network in a maintenance window, so we continue to 
recommend the same for this configuration change as well. However, it is not required that you perform 
this step in a maintenance window. Introducing new features (such as those in Release 4.1), however, 
must be done only during a maintenance window.