Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(33)SRE
Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA through 12.2(33)SRA7
OL-10394-05 Rev. R0
Symptoms: IP Internetworking may not function on a Supervisor Engine 720. For example, traffic
may not pass from an EoMPLS VC on a Gigabit Ethernet interface to a serialATM interface.
may not pass from an EoMPLS VC on a Gigabit Ethernet interface to a serialATM interface.
Conditions: This symptom is observed on a Cisco 7600 series when a packet is recirculated, for
example, because a service policy is attached to the core-facing interface. The symptom is not
related to the specific core- facing line card, but the workaround is.
example, because a service policy is attached to the core-facing interface. The symptom is not
related to the specific core- facing line card, but the workaround is.
Workaround: Avoid recirculation of packet in direction from CE towards the core. For example,
when service causes recirculation, service policy has to be removed from core interfaces.
when service causes recirculation, service policy has to be removed from core interfaces.
Resolved Caveats—Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA5
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA5 is a rebuild release for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. The caveats
in this section are resolved in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA5 but may be open in previous Cisco IOS
in this section are resolved in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA5 but may be open in previous Cisco IOS
Basic System Services
Symptoms: When NetFlow attempts to access a FIB source that is not present in the FIB, the router
may crash.
may crash.
Conditions: This symptom is observed on a Cisco router that is configured with VLAN interfaces
and virtual templates when a FIB source that is related to a virtual interface is not present in the FIB
because of severe interface flaps.
and virtual templates when a FIB source that is related to a virtual interface is not present in the FIB
because of severe interface flaps.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Cisco IOS software has been enhanced with the introduction of additional software checks to signal
improper use of internal data structures. This enhancement was introduced in select Cisco IOS
software releases published after April 5, 2007.
improper use of internal data structures. This enhancement was introduced in select Cisco IOS
software releases published after April 5, 2007.
Details: With the new enhancement in place, Cisco IOS software will emit a
“%DATACORRUPTION-1-DATAINCONSISTENCY” error message when it detects an
inconsistency in its internal data structures. This is a new error message. The following is an
“%DATACORRUPTION-1-DATAINCONSISTENCY” error message when it detects an
inconsistency in its internal data structures. This is a new error message. The following is an
The %DATACORRUPTION-1-DATAINCONSISTENCY error message is preceded by a timestamp
May 17 10:01:27.815 UTC: %DATACORRUPTION-1-DATAINCONSISTENCY: copy error
The error message is then followed by a traceback.
It is important to note that this error message does not imply that packet data is being corrupted. It
does, however provide an early indicator of other conditions that can eventually lead to poor system
performance or an IOS restart.
does, however provide an early indicator of other conditions that can eventually lead to poor system
performance or an IOS restart.
Recommended Action: Collect show tech-support command output and open a service request with
the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or designated support organization. Pay particular attention
to any other error messages or error symptoms that accompany the “%DATACORR
UPTION-1-DATAINCONSISTENCY” message and note those to your support contact.
the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or designated support organization. Pay particular attention
to any other error messages or error symptoms that accompany the “%DATACORR
UPTION-1-DATAINCONSISTENCY” message and note those to your support contact.