Cisco Model GS7000 4-Port Node 1 GHz with 42 54 Split Guide De Montage

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 Local Control Module 
Configuration Procedure
4015678 Rev B 
a  Set the minimum and maximum power thresholds for transmitters TX1 
through TX4. 
Note:  The defaults  are 0.5 mW minimum and 2.3 mW maximum. 
6  Select menu item 5 - Node Settings and enter its sub-menu. 
a  Set the appropriate settings for your installation.  The default settings are as 
AB Switch 1, AB Switch 2:  Preferred A 
Reverse Port 1, 2, 4, and 5:  On, 0 dB 
Laser Type:  Analog Laser 
Forward Seg:  Dual 
Reverse Seg:  Combined 
Note:  See LCM Configuration Parameters (on page 18) for other setting 
Note:  Other LCM menu items are not directly related to configuration of the node, 
but are primarily read-only status indications.  Other menu items of interest are: 
Menu item 9 - Restore Defaults, that allows the restoration of the default settings 
which is for a fully populated node with two AC lines, two power supplies, four 
receivers, and four transmitters installed. 
Menu item 9 - Copy Parameters, that allows you to store up to nine node 
configuration parameter settings and copy (restore) them to another LCM 
located in different node.