Cisco Model 6109 6 MHz Off-Air Reference (NTSC) Guide De Montage

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Adding and Deleting USRM Service Groups Using Configuration Files 
78-4021139-01 Rev D 
The configuration file QAMs_Stuttgart.txt is shown below. 
create gqam GQAM02
PortTable.ServiceGroupId.1 5
PortTable.ServiceGroupId.2 15
PortTable.ServiceGroupId.3 0
PortTable.ServiceGroupId.4 0
PortTable.AdminState.1 InService
PortTable.AdminState.2 InService
PortTable.AdminState.3 OutOfService
PortTable.AdminState.4 OutOfService
Object ResourceManager
ServiceGroupTable.AdminState.SGID5 InService
ServiceGroupTable.AdminState.SGID15 InService
Object SdvSm
ServiceGroupTable.Zone.SGID5 1
ServiceGroupTable.Zone.SGID15 0
Note:  After the configuration file is created and placed in the opt/usrm/ConfigFiles 
directory on the USRM, you must enter the configuration file's name on the Platform 
- ConfigManager - Configuration Files page as shown, and click Commit Changes.  
This loads and processes the file to add the service group. 
Deleting Service Groups From a USRM 
Note: This procedure requires the modification of the resource configuration file 
created in the Adding Service Groups to a USRM procedure, as well as the creation 
of two other configuration files as described in this section. 
Deleting a service group and other resources from a USRM in release 1.5.0 and later 
requires a process that is a combination of procedures on the USRM as well as on the 
DNCS. The basic flow of the process is as follows. 
1  From the USRM, release all of the sessions associated with the service group in 
the Resource Manager. 
2  From the DNCS, remove the service group from the USRM.