games-pc empire earth Manuel D’Utilisation

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When one considers all of the structures people have built, those that may be called
“Wonders” make up only a tiny percentage.  Yet their historical significance is far greater than
their scarcity would suggest.  Such architectural and engineering marvels instill a pride of
accomplishment so profound that even enemies of the builders cannot help but admire the
achievement.  The most famous examples in history are certainly the Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World, but any edifice that transcends time and exceeds national boundaries can
evoke that same sense of wonder.
Wonders of the World
History is replete with magnificent tombs and temples, but a civilisation may decide to build a
Wonder for any number of purposes.  The Ishtar Gate in the city of Babylon, though beauti-
fully constructed and decorated, was a fortified gate that could be closed to deny enemies
access to the city.  The impressive Pharos Lighthouse was fully functional, standing as a bea-
con in the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt.
The feeling of awe that such structures arouse is not limited to those who visit them.
Descriptions, depictions, and personal accounts can stimulate the same feeling in those who
have never seen the sights firsthand.  The reputation of a Wonder such as the Statue of Zeus
or the Roman Coliseum possesses its own power, its own ability to stir one’s passions.  In this
sense, Wonders are able to inspire from afar.