games-pc majesty Manuel D’Utilisation

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Title Bar
This is the name of the building. You can click here to rename it.
Hit Point Bar
This shows the structural strength of this building in terms of hit points
remaining. This number falls as the structure takes damage and rises as it
is repaired or upgraded.
Building Level
This indicator displays the current level of the building.
This is what you use to order the building upgraded to the next level. 
The number of possible levels depends on the type of building, but it is
never more than three. Every structure has upgrade requirements. Once
those have been met, you can purchase the upgrade. The amount of gold
required to upgrade to the next level is shown on the button—in red if you
can’t yet afford it.
Click the down arrow to put this site in the Tracking window. The right
arrow focuses the Main Map on it.
Repair Queue
With this toggle button, you determine whether or not your Peasants are
under standing orders to repair this building, should it be damaged.
Repair Once
This button notifies your Peasants to repair the building one time, and then
to leave it alone until you give other orders.
This readout displays the amount of gold awaiting tax collection. This
information only appears on buildings that can contain or produce gold.
Tax Route
With this toggle button, you determine whether or not your Tax Collectors
visit this building each time they make their rounds. This button only
appears on buildings that can contain or produce gold.
Tax Once
This button temporarily adds the building to your tax route. The next time
a Tax Collector makes his rounds, he can stop here to collect taxes
(provided there is gold in its coffers). On subsequent rounds, however, he
bypasses this building unless you give him other orders. This button only
appears on buildings that can contain or produce gold.
Click this button to destroy the building. Your Peasants sell the materials for
salvage, so you get back a small portion of the original construction price.
The Help feature gives you a brief overview of the building’s function and
abilities, as well as some insightful background information.
This indicator shows how many heroes this building is currently supporting.
This button, available only for Temples and Guilds, calls up a list of all the
heroes associated with the building. It includes their names, level, and
current actions. A toggle button at the bottom of this list changes the
entries to a short form that shows only the heroes’ names. The Visitors
button shifts the list to show the visitors in the building.