IBM Partner Pavilion Vitrual Switch Extension BMD00082 Manuel D’Utilisation

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SmartConnect User’s Guide
BMD00082, February 2009
Chapter 5: Command Reference  
Statistics Menu 
The Statistics Menu (/stats) allows you to view performance statistics for the switch. 
Configuration Menu
The Configuration Menu (/cfg) allows an administrator to configure switch parameters. 
Configuration changes are not active until explicitly applied. You can save changes to 
non-volatile memory. 
Operations Menu
The Operations Menu (/oper) is used for making immediate, temporary changes to the 
operational configuration of the switch. For example, you can immediately disable a port 
(without the need to apply or save the change), with the understanding that when the 
switch is reset, the port returns to its normally configured operation. 
[Statistics Menu]
     port     - Port Stats Menu
     clrports - Clear stats for all ports
     l2       - Layer 2 Stats Menu
     l3       - Layer 3 Stats Menu
     mp       - MP-specific Stats Menu
     ntp      - Show NTP stats
     dump     - Dump all stats
[Configuration Menu]
     sys      - System-wide Parameter Menu
     port     - Port Menu
     global   - Global Menu
     group    - Group Menu
     pmirr    - Port Mirroring Menu
     dump     - Dump current configuration to script file
     ptcfg    - Backup current configuration to FTP/TFTP server
     gtcfg    - Restore current configuration from FTP/TFTP server
[Operations Menu]
     port     - Operational Port Menu
     prm      - Protected Mode Menu
     passwd   - Change current user password
     clrlog   - Clear syslog messages
     ntpreq   - Send NTP request