X-Micro Tech. IEEE 802.11b Manuale Utente

Pagina di 49
Version: 2.6 
Beacon Interval 
Set the Beacon Interval, value can be written between 20 
and 1024 ms. 
Refer to 4.12 What is Beacon Interval? 
Data Rate 
Select the transmission data rate from pull-down menu. 
Data rate can be auto-select, 11M, 5.5M, 2M or 1Mbps. 
Preamble Type 
Click to select the Long Preamble or Short Preamble 
support on the wireless data packet transmission. 
Refer to 4.13 What is Preamble Type?   
Broadcast SSID 
Click to enable or disable the SSID broadcast function. 
Refer to 4.14 What is SSID Broadcast? 
Click to enable or disable the IAPP function. 
Refer to4.19 What is Inter-Access Point Protocol(IAPP)?
Apply Changes 
Click the Apply Changes button to complete the new 
configuration setting. 
Reset Click 
Reset button to abort change and recover the 
previous configuration setting. 
3.3.4  Wireless Security Setup 
This page allows you setup the wireless security. Turn on WEP or WPA by using 
encryption keys could prevent any unauthorized access to your wireless network. 
Screen snapshot – Wireless Security Setup