Garmin 530w Guida Utente

Pagina di 230
Nearest Airspaces
The Airspace Information Page displays — and air-
space alert messages are provided for — the following 
airspace types: 
Airspace alert for a military operations area 
• Alert 
• Caution
• Class B 
• Class C
• Class D 
• Danger 
• Prohibited 
• Restricted
• TMA 
• Training
• Unspecified
• Warning
The bottom right-hand corner of the Airspace 
Information Page displays the floor and ceiling limits 
of the airspace. The following are examples of what 
may appear as vertical limits for an airspace: 
Airspace Information Page for the same 
military operations area. 
• 11000ft msl (11000 feet mean sea level)
• 500ft agl (500 feet above ground level)
• MSL (at mean sea level)
• NOTAM (see Notice to Airmen)*
• Unknown* 
• Unlimited*
• See Chart* 
• Surface*
* Not shown in this example
All airspace alert messages, except for prohibited 
areas, may be turned on or off from the Airspace 
Alarms Page. See Sec 9 - Aux - Setup 1 - CDI / Alarms 
for more information. An altitude buffer is also pro-
vided on the Airspace Alarms Page to provide an extra 
margin of safety above/below the published limits.