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TM FORUM Implementation Statement (IS) Template and Guidelines  
1 Introduction 
This document defines an interoperability statement template concerning the use of the TM Forum’s MTNM 
Solution Set Error! Reference source not found..  Specifically, the interoperability statement template provides a 
mechanism for EMS vendors to precisely state their support for the MTNM interface and for service providers to 
precisely state their requirements for vendor support of the MTNM interface. The main goal of this document is to 
facilitate interoperability between parties representing the EMS and NMS sides of the MTNM interface. The 
material in this document is not prescriptive.
1.1  How this document will be used 
It is expected that this document will be used in several ways: 
(a)  As a standard mechanism for service providers to request a specific subset of the MTNM interface 
capabilities from their vendors 
(b)  As a standard mechanism for a management system vendor to state the subset of the MTNM interface 
capabilities supported by their product(s) 
(c)  As a basis for an implementation agreement between 2 or more management system vendors. 
1.2 Document 
The following is a summary of the sections of this document: 
Introduces the document 
Functional Implementation Statements (FIS) is introduced in this section. An FIS is used to detail 
vendor support (service provider requirements) for the functions in the MTNM interface.  
This section provides templates for Non-functional Implementation Statements (NIS). An NIS is 
used to describe how a function is supported rather than what functionality is supported. For 
example, an NIS could describe how long a client should wait for a response to an operation 
A service provider or vendor preparing an implementation statement would use the templates in Sections 2, 3 
and Error! Reference source not found.. Section 4 is for informational purposes and would not be used directly 
in preparing an implementation statement.  
This section provides guidelines for using the MTNM interface.  
Appendix A 
Provides terms and abbreviations used within this document. 
Appendix B 
Lists the References. 
Administrative Appendix  
This appendix describes the administration of the document. 
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 TeleManagement Forum 2007 