Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Cisco  IP Contact Center Enterprise Edition WebView Template Reference Guide 6.0(0)
Outbound Option (Blended Agent) reports
camqry04: Query Rule Dialing Times Real Time Report
Campaign Name
The name of the campaign.
Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName
Start Work Time
Campaign Start Work time measured in HH:MM:SS format. Campaign Start Work time 
is the start time that a customer can be phoned at work.
Campaign time is normalized to the customer’s time zone. For example, if the 
campaign runs from 3 to 6 PM Eastern Standard time and it is past 6 PM on the East 
coast, you can still dial someone in Chicago since it is not yet 6 PM there.
Derived from: Campaign.WorkStartHours ':' Campaign.WorkStartMinutes
End Work Time
Campaign End Work time imeasured n HH:MM:SS format. Campaign End Work time is 
the time beyond which a customer can no longer be phoned at work.
Derived from: Campaign.WorkEndHours ':' Campaign.WorkEndMinutes
Work Duration
The total work time. Work Duration = End Work Time – Start Work Time
Derived from: Campaign.WorkDuration
Start Home Time
Campaign Start Home time measured in HH:MM:SS format. Campaign Start Home 
time is the start time that a customer can be phoned at home.
Work time and home time can overlap.
Derived from: Campaign.HomeStartHours ':' Campaign.HomeStartMinutes 
End Home Time
Campaign End Home time measured in HH:MM:SS format. Campaign End Home time is 
the time beyond which a customer can no longer be phoned at home.
Derived from: Campaign.HomeEndHours ':' Campaign.HomeEndMinutes
Home Duration
The total home time. Home Duration = End Home Time –  Start Home Time
Derived from: Campaign.HomeDuration
camqry04: Query Rule Dialing Times Real Time Report
The currently configured Campaign Query Rules dialing times.
To display the currently valid query rule dialing times