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Measuring Customer Experience
Measuring customer experience involves monitoring how calls were treated in the IPCC Enterprise
system. This might include the number of calls received, the number of calls handled and abandoned,
queue time (answer time), average speed of answer, transfers and whether Service Level objectives are
being met. IPCC Enterprise WebView reports provide metrics that enable you to monitor real-time
customer experience and review historical trends in customer experience.
This section explains which reporting metrics are useful for measuring customer experience in an IPCC
Enterprise system and which report templates contain these metrics. This section also describes how the
system gathers customer experience metrics and explains how to configure and script your system so that
your reports contain appropriate and accurate data.
This section contains the following:
Useful Customer Experience Statistics and Report Templates
WebView reports enable you to monitor real-time customer experience and review historical customer
experience trends.
These factors determine the reports that you use to measure customer experience:
Whether you need to view current activity or past experience data
What data you want to see
How Do You Want to Report on Customer Experience?
The reporting templates that you should use to monitor agent activity and task performance depend on
several factors, including your role in the contact center and the type of data that you want to see.
Cisco IP Contact Center Enterprise Edition Reporting Guide Release 6.0
Measuring Customer Experience
Useful Customer Experience Statistics and Report Templates