Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Riferimenti tecnici

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Voice and Chat CTI Call Strategies 
Use this strategy if you want to provide chat sessions and if your ACD is 
configured to place agents in a busy state as soon as their phones 
disconnect. This strategy connects to an agent but releases the phantom 
line immediately. The agent is placed in a busy state, allowing the agent 
and caller to engage in a text chat session uninterrupted. 
Use this strategy if you want to provide chat sessions and if your ACD 
does not support the automatic busying out of agents. The Media Blender 
uses the phantom line to select the agent; however, the phantom does not 
release the agent's phone until the session is complete. This provides for 
more accurate reporting, but requires a larger pool of phantom lines. 
This strategy is similar to the PhantomNoCallNoRelease strategy except 
that the call from the phantom line to the agent is not placed in the hold 
state. Rather it remains in the talking state. For reporting purposes, this 
strategy has the ACD report that the agent is talking while using a chat. 
5.3.3.  CTI Strategies for Rockwell Spectrum 
Rockwell Spectrum is supported with Unified ICM CTI Server for Unified 
ICM integration on Windows 2000. The following table lists the CTI 
strategies that can be used for the Rockwell Spectrum supported by the 
basic Media Blender configuration: 
5.3.4.  Routing Address and Routing Numbers 
When a callback request comes in, the Media Blender retrieves the routing 
address from the callback form and matches it to the ADN routing number. 
The ACD then routes the request to the appropriate agent. 
The Routing Address is a code embedded in the Blender Callback HTML 
form used by the caller. The Routing Address is set in a hidden field, 
RoutingAddr, on the Callback form. Cisco provides a sample callback 
form (/<CCS dir>/pub/html/forms/callFormACD.html) that 
the CCS administrator can use to create the callback form for your site. 
The Routing number is equal to a value unique to the CDN routing 
number logic on the Rockwell Spectrum.