Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida All'Installazione

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WebView Installation and Administration Guide for Cisco Enterprise & Hosted Editions, Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 1      Understanding WebView
  WebView Components
The AW database is the single point of access for WebView reporting data and provides views into 
the HDS.
The Historical Database Server (HDS) receives and stores historical data and call detail data, 
which are forwarded from the Logger in five-minute and half-hour intervals. 
An Historical Data Server (HDS) is required if you plan to use WebView historical reports. 
This historical data is not accessed directly, but rather through views that exist in the local Admin 
Workstation database. To retrieve information for historical reports, WebView connects to the AW 
where the HDS resides.
The Historical Data Server (HDS) must reside on a Distributor Admin Workstation. It is enabled at 
setup and created using the ICMDBA tool. 
You can configure the size of the HDS and the duration for which data is retained. 
For a fresh installation, you first install the distributor AW without checking the Historical Data 
Server box. Then create the HDS with the ICMDBA utility, and run setup locally to enable the HDS 
for the AW. 
Note that as a fault-tolerant strategy, two Distributor AWs are typically set up at a site as HDS 
machines, each with its own HDS database.
For more on the real-time AW database and the HDS, refer to the ICM Administration Guide for 
Cisco ICM Enterprise Edition
The WebView database (WVDB) is created and enabled as an option when you set up the Admin 
It stores saved report definitions, favorites, and scheduled report jobs. One AW in the 
system must have a WebView database installed on it, and multiple WebView servers must point to 
that one, shared WebView database
For more on the WebView database, see 
In a standard deployment, all three databases can be located on the same distributor Admin Workstation 
It is possible to set up multiple distributor Admin Workstations and to separate the databases. For 
example, in a large-customer deployment, the HDS can be on a separate Admin Workstation. It is also 
possible to set up a second (failover) WebView database located on separate Admin Workstation. 
In these deployments, the machine where WebView is located must have network connections to the 
machines where the databases reside.
The WebView Server
The WebView server is the machine on which the following components reside:
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
Third-Party software
WebView reporting software
At one time, you had to install the WebView server on a distributor AW. This remains a standard 
deployment option. However, you now also have the option to set up one or more ‘standalone’ WebView 
servers on machine(s) separate from, on the same domain as, and pointing to, the primary distributor