Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida All'Installazione

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WebView Installation and Administration Guide for Cisco Enterprise & Hosted Editions, Release 7.0(0)
Installing WebView
This chapter explains how to install Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise WebView software and how to set up 
users. It contains the following topics:
About WebView Software
WebView is selected and added as an instance component from the ICM Setup program, which you run 
from the ICM Software CD. 
For complete information on how to install the ICM system including the ICM databases, refer to the 
ICM Installation Guide for Cisco ICM Enterprise Edition and the IPCC Installation and Configuration 
Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise Edition
About WebView Installation
ICM Setup for WebView must be installed on the same machine where you have installed the third-party 
Depending on your deployment model, this can be the same machine as the distributor Admin 
Workstation, or it can be on one or more separate machines.
WebView must be installed after you have:
Set up a primary distributor AW with WebView Database checked but without enabling Historical 
Data Server (HDS).
Created the HDS with the ICMDBA tool.
Rerun ICM Setup to enable Historical Data Server. 
The HDS must be created and enabled if WebView is to report from it.