Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Cisco ICM Software Custom Screen Builder User Guide
This preface describes this guide’s scope and intended audience. It also provides 
general information on accessing Cisco product documentation and getting assistance 
with Cisco products. It contains these sections:
About This Guide
This guide provides instructions for using the Cisco Intelligent Contact Management 
(ICM) software Custom Screen Builder to create and modify report templates used in 
the ICM WebView. WebView is the Web-based reporting tool of ICM software.
This guide is intended for Cisco Admin Workstation users who create and/or modify 
report templates for use in WebView reports. This guide assumes that you have 
knowledge of:
ICM WebView and WebView reports
ICM database table structures
Relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL). 
Familiarity with Sybase InfoMaker is also useful.