eutech-instruments waterproof cyberscan pc 10 phconductivity meter Manuale Utente

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Instruction Manual 
PC 10 
- 12 - 
4.5. Conductivity 
The Important Information on Conductivity Calibration 
Your meter has four measuring ranges. You can calibrate one point in each of the measuring 
ranges (up to four points). If you are measuring values in more than one range, make sure to 
calibrate each of the ranges you are measuring. 
The following table lists the corresponding conductivity range. You should calibrate each 
range using a solution that falls between the values in the “recommended calibration solution 
range” column. 
Conductivity Range 
Recommended Calibration 
Solution Range 
0.00 to 19.99 
6.00 to 17.00 
0.0 to 199.9 
60.0 to 170.0 
0 to 1999 
600 to 1700 
0.00 to 19.99 mS 
6.00 to 17.00 mS 
Minimum calibration value should be 20% of full scale for the specific range. E.g.: The 
 calibration value for the range of 0.00 to 19.99 
µS is 4.00 µS. 
When you recalibrate your meter, old calibrations are replaced on a range basis. For example, 
if you previously calibrated your conductivity meter at 1413 
µS in the 0 to 1999 µS range and 
you recalibrate at 1500 
µS (also in the 0 to 1999 µS range), the meter will replace the old 
calibration data (1413 
µS) in that range. The meter will retain all calibration data in other 
To completely recalibrate your meter, or when you use a replacement probe, it is best to clear 
all calibration data in memory. To erase all the old conductivity data, see Section 4.1: 
Important Information on Meter Calibration. 
These meters are factory set to a temperature coefficient of 2.00% per °C. For most 
applications this will provide good results. The factory default value for normalization 
temperature is 25°C.