eutech-instruments waterproof cyberscan pc 10 phconductivity meter Manuale Utente

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Instruction Manual 
PC 10 
- 14 - 
6.  Press the ENTER key to confirm calibration. 
Upon confirmation, the CON indicator 
appears briefly. The meter automatically 
switches back into Measurement mode.  The 
display now shows the calibrated, 
temperature compensated conductivity value. 
See Figure 21.  
7.  For calibration in other ranges (maximum: 
four ranges) repeat steps 1 through 6 with 
the appropriate calibration standards.  
To exit from Conductivity Calibration mode without confirming calibration, DO NOT press 
ENTER in step 6.  Press CAL/MEAS instead.  
If the calibration value input into the meter is different from the initial value displayed by more 
than 20%, the ERR annunciator appears in the lower left corner of the display.   
Figure 18 CONFIRM the calibration value