Ruckus Wireless VF7XX1 Manuale Utente

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Ruckus Wireless MediaFlex 7811 Access Point
Adapter Management
4. Click the STA WebServer link. A separate browser window opens to the 7111’s Web user interface login 
page. Note in 
 the IP address of the login is identical to that of the 7811, with the exception of the 
port number ‘25401’ appended to the 7811’s IP address.
Figure 39—Logging into the 7111 via adapter management
5. Login to the 7111 using the appropriate user name and password. You can now configure your 7111 adapter.
Disabling Adapter Management
To disable adapter management, do the following:
 – This procedure assumes adapter management is currently enabled.
1. Login to the 7811 Web user interface.
2. Go to Status :: Wireless.
3. Click the Video WLAN tab. In the Connected Devices table, note the Ruckus Adapter Management column.
4. Click the STA WebServer link. A separate browser window opens to the 7111’s Web user interface login 
5. Login to the 7111 using the appropriate user name and password.
6. In the 7111 Web user interface, go to Administrator :: Management. Note that the Link-Local Adapter 
Management? field shows “Enabled”.
7. Click the Disabled radio button at Link-Local Adapter Management.