GRAUPNER CO. LTD. 19001200 Manuale Utente

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First flight
Choose a free area for your first flight. Select first always the Atti-
tude mode because so the copter is easier to control and the 
throttle course is different in Rate mode. Take firstly confidence 
with the flight attitude of the Alpha 110Q. Proceed carefully and 
Initialization of the gyro
Once the model has been switched on, the gyro immediately 
becomes active but still needs to be initialized. To initialize the 
gyro, keep your model still when you switch it on. The calibra-
tion process can only be performed when the receiver is abso-
lutely still. After 3 seconds in still position you will hear beeps 
emitted by all motors. The signal tone can vary depending on 
the esc model. These "wiggles" signal that initialization has been 
successful and that calibration is complete. Always wait until the 
calibration process has finished before starting to fly the model. 
The motors will not start until the calibration is complete.
If the copter is used for long time (>1min) in Acro 3D mode the 
receiver can loose its position information and the copter can 
move itself out of control. Before switching back to Attitude 
mode, hover the copter for 30 s or land it in Rate mode, so that 
the receiver can reset the position.
Receiver setting (only possible in connection with HoTT transmitter with display)
Special function channel 6
The auto-flip function allows you to flip your copter in a very easy 
way. It is essential that you control in Attitude mode (function not 
allowed in Rate mode).
The auto-flip function must be controlled by 
channel 6. For this 
program a 2-way switch (e. g. SW1) in the transmitter control 
menu on channel 6 with the following values:
Auto-flip function on = Channel 6 > 110%
Auto-flip function off = Channel 6 < 110%
Activate the switch and within 5 sec move the nick or roll stick 
to more than 50% of its course, then the copter makes auton-
omously a flip in the selected direction. After the flip it is possible 
to have some little position movements (<10°).
Initialization by switching on