Bosch Security Systems Inc. M513 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 39
FRONT PANEL ( Re fer to Fig ure 3)
Power ON/OFF Switch:Push this switch once 
toturn power ON; push it again to turn the
power OFF.
Power ON In di ca tor: The Power ON In di ca -
tor is  il lu mi nated when the Power ON/OFF
Switch is pushed in the ON Po si tion. 
Lo cal Head set Con nec tor: 4 Pin XLR Con -
nec tor for  In put/Out put. The head set jack will
ac cept many Telex model head sets. Com pat i ble 
with other in ter com  head sets with four pin
XLR con nec tors that are wired as  shown in
Fig ure 2.
Fig ure 
Head set XLR Con nec tor Wiring
Lo cal Head set Vol ume: Ad justs vol ume to
Lo cal Head set.DOES  NOT AF FECT MI -
Mic On-Push-to-Talk/Lock-to-Talk Switch:
En ables the lo cal  head set mi cro phone au dio
func tion. 
NOTE: DOES NOT con trol base sta tion RF
trans mit.
Lo cal Push-to-Talk In di ca tor:  Will be il lu mi -
nated when ever the talk func tion is on.
Lo cal Mi cro phone Gain Con trol and 
Overmodulation In di ca tor:
  A screw driver
ad just able con trol is pro vided to con trol the in -
put level of the lo cal head set mic. This in put is
pro tected from over loads by means of a gain
com pres sor whose op er a tion is sig naled by the
gain LED in di ca tor. 
Por ta ble En able Switches and In di ca tors:
When in the “IN”  po si tion, the En able switches 
al low the user of the  cor re spond ing por ta ble
unit to be heard by oth ers con nected to the sys -
tem. When in the “OUT” po si tion, the re spec -
tive  por ta ble will be muted, but this por ta ble
will still be able to hear all other se lected
remotes and in ter faces. The  in di ca tors nor -
mally show the pres ence of a por ta ble trans -
ceiver in use on the chan nel cor re spond ing to
that in di ca tor. 