Freescale Semiconductor DEMO9S08DZ60 Demo Board DEMO9S08DZ60 DEMO9S08DZ60 Manuale Utente

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D E M O 9 S 0 8 D Z 6 0
D E C E M B E R   2 ,   2 0 0 6
The RESET switch provides a method to apply an asynchronous RESET to the MCU.  The
RESET switch is connected directly to the RESET* input on the MCU.  Pressing the RESET
switch applies a low voltage level to the RESET* input.  A pull-up bias resistor allows normal
MCU operation.  Shunt capacitance ensures an adequate input pulse width.
The MC9S08DZ60 utilizes an internal Low Voltage Detect (LVD) circuit.  The LVD holds the
MCU in reset until applied voltage reaches an appropriate level.  The LVD also protect against
under-voltage conditions.  Consult the MC9S08DZ60 reference manual for details LVD
The DEMO9S08DZ60 provide 1 internal and 2 external timing sources.  The 32 kHz internal
timing source, with ±0.2% resolution, is active out of RESET.  An external crystal with ±50ppm
resolution is also provided.  A full-size socket allows alternate square-wave clock inputs to be
applied.  The target MCU must be configured to select either external timing input source.
Refer to the target MCU documentation for details on configuring external timing inputs.
The CLK_SEL option header selects the on-board XTAL oscillator, or the optional CLOCK
oscillator socket.  The figure below shows settings for CLK_SEL option header.
Figure 4: CLK_SEL Option Header
Select XTAL oscillator X1 output
Select Clock oscillator Y1 output (default)
The DEMO9S08DZ60 board applies two Serial Communications Interface (SCI) ports.  SCI0 is
applied to RS-232 serial communications (COM) on the target board.  SCI1 is applied to LIN
communications on the target board.  RS-232 communications are supported through a DB9
connector.  LIN communications are supported through a pair of 4-pin Molex connectors.
An RS-232 translator provides RS-232 to TTL/CMOS logic level translation on the COM
connector.  The COM connector is a 9-pin Dsub, right-angle connector.  A ferrite bead on
shield ground provides conducted immunity protection.  Communication signals TXD1 and
RXD1 are routed from the transceiver to the MCU.  Hardware flow control signals RTS and
CTS are available on the logic side of the transceiver.  These signals are routed to vias located
near the transceiver.  RTS has been biased properly to support 2-wire RS-232