CTC Store IPDSLAM-A8/A16 Manuale Utente

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Displaying the Current Status and Information of ADSL Line 
Displaying the Current Status of Line 
Describes how to show the Administration, operating, alarm and trap status. 
Command: show port <all |port no.> 
Argument List: 
Parameter Description 
Show all information. 
port no. 
  (1 ~ 16). Indicate the specific port.   
Example: This example shows how to display the current status of port 8. 
IPDSLAM # show port 8 
1. Port ID: 1/8 
2. Admin Status: up 
3. Operating Status: up 
4. Alarm Status: Normal 
5. Trap: disable 
The following example shows how to display the all port status. 
IPDSLAM # show port all 
 Port ID  Admin Status  Operating Status      Alarm Status      Trap 
    1                  up                      up                          Normal            enable 
    2                  up                      up                          Normal            enable 
      .                                      …                                            …                   
  16                  up                      up                          Normal            enable 
Press ‘y’ for continue, ‘n’ for break and press Enter. 
Table 4-12    “show port” Field Definition 
Items Description 
Port ID 
The specific ADSL IP DSLAM port no (port no.).
Admin Status 
The desired state of interface (up/down) 
Operating Status 
The current operational state of interface 
Alarm Status 
Alarm status…normal means “no alarm” 
Trap enable/disable. 
Displaying the information of ADSL Line 
Describes how to get the information of line coding, line type, standard 
compliance, channel mode and which line profile and alarm profile have 
attached at the specific ADSL line. 
Command: show adslline <all | port no.>