Follett VERSION 6.00 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 730
Chapter 21  Cataloging basics
Clearing this check box:
Has this effect  ( it also removes any toolbar button ) :
Delete Copies
Disables Edit | Delete Copies via PHD
Disables Edit | Delete Copies via Scanner
Disables the Delete Copy button in the MARC Viewer
Disables the Delete Titles/Copies After Export check box on any of
the Export MARC 21/852 Holdings Format dialogs
Copy Call Number Editing
Disables the Call number text box on the Edit Copy dialog
Disables File | Add Authority
Disables File | Edit Authority
Disables File | Delete Record
Disables the Edit and Delete buttons in the MARC Viewer
Disables File | Print
Disables Tools | Book Cart | Print Options
Import MARC 21/852
Disables File | Import MARC 21/852 Holdings Format
Disables File | Import MARC 21/852 Holdings Format by Barcode
Disables File | Import MARC 21/852 Holdings Format by Control
Export MARC 21/852
Disables File | Export MARC 21/852 Holdings Format
Import/Export Authority
Disables File | Import MARC 21/852 Authority Format
Disables File | Export MARC 21/852 Authority Format
Toolbar Configuration
Disables File | Toolbar Configuration
MARC Proof Sheet/OPAC
View Toggle
Disables File | MARC Proof Sheet Display or
Disables File | OPAC Display
Global Update Copy
Disables Edit | Global Update | Copy
Global Update Headings
Disables Edit | Global Update | Headings
Individual Update
Disables Edit | Individual Update
Global Delete
Disables Edit | Global Delete | Lost Copies
Disables Edit | Global Delete | Missing Copies
Disables Edit | Global Delete | Subject Headings By Source
Disables Edit | Global Delete | Tag
Disables Edit | Global Delete | Titles Without Copies
Data Source Selection
Disables Tools | Data Sources
Alliance Functionality
Disables File | Refresh CDs
Disables the Alliance Plus check box and drop-down list on the Data
Source Setup dialog
Removes any Alliance Plus CDs from the Search drop-down list