Dacor DYRP48DSNGH Utilizzo E Cura

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Basic Oven Operation
Important Things to Know Before 
•  Dacor recommends turning the ovens on for one hour 
at 500°F (260°C) to burn off any residual oils used 
during the manufacturing process. Any of these oils 
left on the inner parts can cause an undesirable smell 
the first few times the ovens are used.
•  When you use an oven in one of the convection, 
bake or roast modes, it preheats automatically. The 
preheat cycle rapidly brings the oven chamber up to 
the proper cooking temperature. Wait for the oven 
to finish preheating (Insert Food appears on the 
display) before placing the food in the oven.
browning will occur if you put the food in the oven 
while it is preheating.
•  While an oven is preheating the actual oven tempera-
ture will appear on the display, next to the tempera-
ture setting.
It takes several minutes to preheat the 
oven. Preheat time depends on the temperature set-
tings. The time may be longer depending on the type 
of electrical supply in your community. There is no 
preheat cycle for any of the broil modes.
•  After you pull food out of the oven, it will continue to 
cook. This process is called “carry-over.” The larger 
the portion of food, the longer it will cook. It is best 
to let meat rest for 10 to 15 minutes after it comes 
out of the oven before carving. Doing so will allow the 
meat to retain its juices and make it easier to carve.
•  After you turn off an oven, the cooling fans may con-
tinue to run until the internal parts have cooled down.
•  Broil modes do not work with the meat probe con-
•  This unit has been tested and found to comply with 
the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to 
Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful inter-
ference in a residential installation. This unit gener-
ates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy 
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the 
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio 
communications. However there is no guarantee that 
interference will not occur in a particular installation. 
If this unit does cause harmful interference to radio 
or television reception, which can be determined by 
turning the unit off and on, the user is encouraged to 
try to correct the interference by one or more of the 
following measures:
◊  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
◊  Increase the distance between the unit and 
◊  Connect the unit into an outlet or a circuit differ-
ent from that to which the receiver is connected.
Preset Temperature Settings
The oven has a suggested preset temperature setting for 
each of the cooking modes to reduce the need to always 
enter the temperature each time you cook. See the table 
below. You have the choice (in most cooking modes) of 
cooking at the preset cooking temperature or selecting a 
different one. See Starting the Oven.
Cooking Mode
Preset Temperature
350°F (176°C)
550°F (287°C)
Convection Bake
325°F (162°C)
Convection Broil
550°F (287°C)
Convection Roast
350°F (176°C)
130°F (54°C)
125°F (51°C)
Max Broil
550°F (287°C)*
Pure Convection
325°F (162°C)
Pure Convection Sear
350°F (176°C)**
110°F (43°C)
375°F (190°C)
Surround Bake
350°F (176°C)
150°F (65°C)
* The preset temperature for Max Broil is not adjustable.
** The temperature for Pure Convection Sear is 75°F 
(42°C) higher than the set temperature for the first 15 
minutes of cooking.