Motorola 6161252-00-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 340
Multi-NAT   4-1
Chapter 4
Motorola Netopia® Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 offers advanced Multiple Network Address Translation 
You should read this chapter completely before attempting to configure any of the advanced NAT features.
This chapter covers the following topics:
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a means of mapping one or more IP addresses and/or IP ser vice por ts 
into different values.
 This mapping ser ves two functions:
It allows the addresses of many computers on a LAN to be represented to the public Internet by only one or 
a few addresses, saving you money.
It can be used as a security feature by obscuring the true addresses of impor tant machines from potential 
hackers on the Internet.
To help you understand some of the concepts discussed here, it may be helpful to introduce some NAT 
The term mapping refers to rules that associate one or more private addresses on the Motorola Netopia
Router’s LAN to one or more public addresses on the Motorola Netopia
 Router’s WAN inter face (typically the 
The terms private and internal refer to addresses on the Motorola Netopia
 Router’s LAN. These addresses are 
considered private because they are protected or obscured by NAT and cannot be directly accessed from the 
WAN (or Internet) side of the Motorola Netopia
 Router unless specifically configured other wise. 
The terms public and external refer to the WAN (or Internet) side of the Motorola Netopia