Motorola MCF5281 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Chapter 6.  ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)  
Chapter 6  
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
The MCF5282 incorporates SuperFlash® technology licensed from SST. The ColdFire
Flash Module (CFM) is constructed with eight banks of 32K x 16-bit Flash to generate a
512-Kbyte, 32-bit wide electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory array.
The CFM is ideal for program and data storage for single-chip applications and allows for
field reprogramming without external high-voltage sources.
The voltage required to program and erase the Flash is generated internally by on-chip
charge pumps. Program and erase operations are performed under CPU control through a
command-driven interface to an internal state machine. All Flash physical blocks can be
programmed or erased at the same time; however, it is not possible to read from a Flash
physical block while the same block is being programmed or erased. The array used in the
MCF5282 makes it possible to program or erase one pair of Flash physical blocks under the
control of software routines executing out of another pair.
The MCF5281 implements only 256 Kbytes of Flash; half that
of the MCF5282.
Features of the CFM include:
• 512-Kbytes of Flash memory on the MCF5282 and 256-Kbytes of Flash memory on 
the MCF5281
• Basic Flash access time of 2 clock cycles. Optimized processor Flash interface 
reduces basic Flash access time through interleaving and speculative reads.
• Automated program and erase operation
• Concurrent verify, program, and erase of all array blocks
• Read-while-write capability
• Optional interrupt on command completion
• Flexible scheme for protection against accidental program or erase operations
• Access restriction controls for both supervisor/user and data/program space 