Motorola MCF5281 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 816
Chapter 26.  General Purpose I/O Module  
Functional Description
26.4 Functional Description
26.4.1 Overview
The initial pin function is determined during reset configuration. The pin assignment
registers allow the user to select between digital I/O or another pin function after reset.
In single-chip mode, all pins are configured as digital I/O by default, except for debug data
pins (DDATA[3:0]) and processor status pins (PST[3:0]). These pins are configured for
their primary functions by default in all modes.
Every digital I/O pin is individually configurable as an input or an output via a data
direction register (DDRn). 
Every port has an output data register (PORTn) and a pin data register (PORTnP/SETn) to
monitor and control the state of its pins. Data written to a PORTn register is stored and then
driven to the corresponding port n pins configured as outputs.
Reading a PORTn register returns the current state of the register regardless of the state of
the corresponding pins.
Reading a PORTnP/PSETn register returns the current state of the corresponding pins when
configured as digital I/O, regardless of whether the pins are inputs or outputs.
Every port has a PORTnP/SETn register and a clear register (CLRn) for setting or clearing
individual bits in the PORTn register.
In master mode, port A and B function as the upper external data bus, D[31:16]. When the
PCDPA bit is set, ports C and D function as the lower external data bus, D[15:0]. Ports E–J
are configured to support external memory functions.
The MCF5282 ports module does not generate interrupt requests.
26.4.2 Port Digital I/O Timing
Input data on all pins configured as digital I/O is synchronized to the rising edge of
CLKOUT, as shown in Figure 26-29.
Figure 26-29. Digital Input Timing